Cedar Creek Trail Open
Cedar Creek Multi-Use Trail’s first phase is complete; however, there is still a lot more to be accomplished. The Quincy Park District has a big project ahead of them to complete the trail way plans. The Cedar Creek Trail when completed will run from Bonansigna Drive to 36th Street creating about a 3 mile non-vehicular trail way for local residents and visitors. The trail is currently completed from 12th –18th Street.
The Quincy Park District has submitted a grant to the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program to help with the cost of the next phase that will go from 5th-12th Street, but at this time has not heard back from the program. The first phase was a huge accomplishment, but there is still a long way to go. The first section of trail way has two 80 foot long bridges installed to cross the creek and currently has two kiosk’s: one located on the west side of 12th Street; and the other located at Bob Mays Park. The first phase of the trail began construction in the Fall of 2008.
The City of Quincy and the Quincy Park District have worked together since 1994 to obtain land titles and conservation easements along Cedar Creek, primarily in the existing floodplain. This initiative helped spark the development of the Quincy Greenways and Trails Plan that was developed in 1998.
Cedar Creek Trail was suggested in the Quincy Greenways and Trails plan to run along Cedar Creek from Bonansigna Drive to the intersection of 36th Street and Cedar Creek. Since this concept was suggested in 1998 the plan has had to take some alternative routes due to development issues. We hope the general public is enjoying Quincy’s first off road multi-use trail and that everyone will see the benefit of this type of trail. Friends of the Trails looks forward to helping with the completion of the Cedar Creek Trail.